Saturday, October 16, 2010

I've been absent again

Life has been kind of busy sometimes and I just cannot seem to balance my time out! It feels like there is too much to do and not enough time in the day. I know I need to learn how to balance my time, make a reasonable to-do list for the day and stick to it. Learn to not be mad if I cannot do it all. How does every one else handle it? I only have one child and cannot imagine doing this routine if I had more then Andrew (which hopefully someday will be a reality). It's frustrating when I say I'll get "this, this and that" done and I hardly get one thing accomplished!

There's spending time with my son (always an important part of my day), working on Zazzle to become a WAHM (not much success but you can read about it at my blog From SAHM to WAHM), spending time with the hubby, necessary cleaning, etc. I told Aldon I should just stay awake doing stuff until midnight then wake up before Andrew to accomplish more. He reminded me then I'd be sleep deprived - which I am not good at being.

So, it's time to find a balance... so I can keep this blog (and my other two) up-to-date and still have a life. :)


Katie Olthoff said...

I have a terrible time with it, too! And I'm working part time, so on work days, I feel like I'm "entitled" to come home and be lazy. One of my coworkers told me that she makes a list of 3 things she wants to get done at home that night before she leaves work everyday. I started doing that and it helps. Sometimes my list is "cook supper, do the dishes, put away the laundry from this weekend" but it helps!

I have to make short lists when I'm at home all day. If I see a long list I get overwhelmed.

But really, I shouldn't be giving you advice. I should be hanging out here to read the comments and get some of my own!

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